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Unable to Login to Post Comment on Fox News Using Chrome Updated FREE

Unable to Login to Post Comment on Fox News Using Chrome

Reports also come from these locations:
Port Saint Lucie, Florida; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Glenwood, New Jersey; Stuttgart, Arkansas; Waterford, Michigan; Perris, California; Denton, Texas; Cumberland, Maryland; Vero Embankment, Florida; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Chicago, Illinois; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Easton, Pennsylvania; Pipage Creek, Texas; Alamogordo, New Mexico.

I take a trouble with Fox News    or join Reddit-like issues discussion

Tom Tag 3 days agone  # 27 March 2022
Trick News channel 118 sound is skipping with Frontier Communications. Clearwater, Florida. Never happened before? Wife dropped remote a few days agone and trouble started with new remote from Frontier.

Ticked Off 21 days agone  # ix March 2022
Getting tired of only FOX News Channel going down over again in VA.

Carter Hill 24 days agone  # half-dozen March 2022
Fox News and those who watch it are dumb sh*ts.

Cece 24 days ago  # 6 March 2022
Fox News live has been freezing and dropping signal all day today in Virginia

B Sadowski 26 days agone  # five March 2022
Fox News blurry and inclement, sound troubles as well. Russians may exist jamming cause Lindsey Graham used Fox to ask for assassination in Russian federation.

Roberta Cross 26 days ago  #
Off on satellite fort mcmurray

Sheryl 26 days ago  #
Off united nations Edmonton Canada

Woody 26 days ago  #
Lost Pull a fast one on News sound here in Palm Declension, intermittently for 2 days now

J 26 days ago  #
Foxnews just went off the air in rocksprings,tx 3/iv/22

Kathy H 27 days ago  #
Is there a mode to see responses to my comments without having to search through postings?

Charles Roeder 33 days ago  #
On BOTH of my idiot box sets at that place is no sound on the fox news channel, but ALL the other channels have audio and are working perfectly.
The far-lefties want to cancel play a joke on. When they see Tucker Carlson's lips moving merely cant hear what he is maxim they think its wonderful.
I assume the democrats have figured out how to jam the sound. Y'all can do this by broadcasting something else on the same frequency that what yous don't want is broadcast.
This is illegal, merely the FCC is not able to practise annihilation about it.

Harry 75 days ago  #
Access Denied
You don't accept permission to access "" on this server.
Reference #18.a6743217.1642163199.1578da8b
This is what pops up when I attempt to go to Fob News on Google Chrome

Guest 89 days ago  #
I had an error message each fourth dimension I "thumbed" a comment and was unable to comment either.
Uninstalled then reinstalled now I accept NO comments section! What'south going on on both fronts?

Judy 99 days ago  #
Fox News is completely blocked. Tried directions to remove Advertizement Blocker just doesn't piece of work. Approximate I'll go to another news station on line instead. 104 days ago  #
Replies and likes or dislikes not showing.
Profile update setting did non help.

MRS.Brashier 111 days ago  #
Why is the Steelers game in Spanish today?

Jerry 113 days ago  #
Comments department for Fox News stories not working in Las Vegas.

Carolyn 113 days ago  #
Fox News annotate section not working for me today. Have to reload it multiple times before comments open up.

Knothead Gordon 129 days agone  #
It was dainty of play a trick on to postal service an acknowledgement of the problem. That way everyone knows what'south up. I thought it was simply me. I'm not adept with this tech stuff anyway so I figured I screwed something up without knowing it.

Haven't been able to comment on Fox News app comme 132 days agone  #
Haven't been able to comment on Fox News app comments for a couple of weeks now. WTF?!

Phil 132 days ago  #
I have Cox cable. Starting yesterday eleven/16/21 Fox news channel is out. To my knowledge is the only channel not working. Went out correct before Tucker Carlson. I live in Tucson 24 hours afterward however out. Anyone else experiencing similar issues????

Shodan 134 days agone  #
Keith B - your update is appreciated. Hopefully foxnews on yahoo will be alive and well soon.

Keith B 135 days ago  #
Protopage home page site says for ALL Play tricks RSS feeds: "unfortunately all of these uses feedburner for syndication, which appears to be having an outage. They also had an outage a few weeks ago and fixed it within a few days, and then hopefully this should exist resolved before long. Sorry nearly that."
Best wishes, -The Protopage Squad

Well ALL of Fox News Feeds (RSS) have been down since Early October, NO headline updates in +half-dozen WEEKS for Fox Concern, Politics, News and Science feeds! your condition equally "no Problems" is BS!

Jack 140 days ago  #
Not supposed to be facebook, twitter or such only a news bureau.

Bojo 141 days ago  #
It is at present Tuesday Nov.9. My screen has been showing the same news since Saturday. Information technology'southward up to date on all other channels but Flim-flam. Has somebody interfered with this?

Dsl 141 days ago  #
Rss feed down

Peace & quiet! 145 days ago  #
Absurd! Ban the propaganda aqueduct of lies for adept, also many brainwashed people out there who believe all of Trump'southward lies, he said then himself that if he says something enough times that people will believe him! It"due south and then amazing how trump supporters claim trump came upward with the vaccine, yet not a single one of them are vaccinated! He is the one who made a big g
Joke about whole pandemic, laughing, proverb in a serious tone of voice that we should all get bleach injected into our veins, yeah that"s a sign of intelligence! He belongs in prison, such a criminal!

CocknBallSammich 150 days agone  #
We'll say what we Want and They can LICK it Upwardly.

TrumpOWNSyou 150 days agone  #
Democrats are failing miserably and FOXNEWS knows information technology.
F*** yer vaxxxxine likewise.
Try reporting VAERS instead of HIDING It.
What a Disgrace.

Jessie 150 days ago  #
All comments on Fox news are being watched past the DOJ! Becareful!

Allie 150 days ago  #
Comments section seems to become off and on in Fox News. Why is this. One twenty-four hour period you tin can get out comments, then a few days later, there is NO Department what so always to get out comments. It's completely gone.

30 153 days ago  #
Fob turned off the comments before the J6 committee finds outs their function in the attack

Yellowhammer54 154 days ago  #
After a comment, I'k given a "display name is required". I go to to update and nothing happens.

stephanie 162 days ago  #
and so what happened to the comments department...

Roger 165 days ago  #
x/16/21 what happened to the comment section? Either bring it back or I will go elsewhere

Toni 166 days ago  #
Comment section missing. Accept I been blocked???

comensense 166 days ago  #
Trick comment section missing

Max 166 days ago  #
It'southward x/xv/21 and I yet cannot go on the fox app any suggestions

American joe 166 days ago  #
What happened to the comment section on FOX ? I gave upwardly yahoo because they didn't like the negative comments that everybody was proverb nigh their left leaning articles and shut off comment section. Fox is the last bastion of Truth and Free speech on the internet. Don't give in to the censorship that the socialists crave.

Js 167 days ago  #
Changed password ten times updated the same they been hacked by DS

Connie 171 days ago  #
Cannot become Fob News on my iPad for a long time!

George In The Jungle 175 days ago  #
Play a joke on finally put an cease to the BS. Give thanks God.

The one "like" obsessed moron hijacked the unabridged lath. I don't know how anyone else didn't notice. One person (with NO life) was posting literally thousands of comments everyday using hundreds of screen names and "liking" them all to fill all the top pages. She has one account she's "liked" herself millions of times...

How many times accept y'all reed the same AOC jokes? In that location they are, on every single AOC article. Did whatever of you "like" them subsequently seeing them hundreds of times? Give me break...

"Pat, I want to solve the puzzle" Who in there right mind would "like" that after seeing information technology 25 times on every single article on a black involved in a crime?

KUDOS to FOX News for putting an end to the NONSENSE...

Bibs 177 days ago  #
Log in

Invitee 177 days ago  #
Can't log into site to use the comments sections

Eastham 178 days ago  #
Cannot log in to Play a joke on News annotate section or vote upwardly or down

Poppy 179 days ago  #
Ditto... Thumbs up and downwards are disabled as of 2 weeks agone

invitee 182 days ago  #
thumbs upwardly/down not working STILL. good grief…….

Ri 182 days ago  #
Thumbs up Thumbs down in comments not working, at all, for a calendar week.

Guest 183 days agone  #
No thumbs up/downwards...always gonna tell us why?

T 185 days agone  #
Why tin't I thumbs up or thumbs down?

Perry 185 days agone  #
I go on getting sign up to post. Then I do and nothing.

Invitee 187 days ago  #
Thumbs up or thumbs down not working

guest 187 days ago  #
cannot pollex comments upwards or down - STILL. please fix this!!!

Jennie Williams 188 days ago  #
Thumbs up or thumbs down not working for last week. What's going on?

Shirley Maro 188 days ago  #
Thumbs up and downwards in comments not working for at to the lowest degree three days. Please fix,

MK 188 days ago  #
Fix thumbs up and down! Non working

Mako 189 days ago  #
Thumbs up/down not working. Volition stop reading the Fox News website

Beverly 190 days ago  #
Anyone entering the The states without the proper papers should NEVER be a citizen.

guest 190 days ago  #
Comment department gone last night and this morning on all articles?

guest 191 days ago  #
Ready thumbs up and downward! Non working!!!

Betty 192 days ago  #
Thumbs upward and down don't piece of work

SRK 194 days ago  #
I'chiliad logged in yet I can't comment!

savina 195 days ago  #
Whats up with the foxnews comments?? No thumbs up OR thumbs down! Boooo!!!

Guest 195 days ago  #
Cannot thumbs up or downwards comments section. Grrrrrr…..

Invitee 196 days ago  #
Same, I am no longer able to thumb up or downward in the comments department.

Biden Bin Lyin 197 days ago  #
all comments turned off? or just not working?

Muhd Dick 197 days ago  #
Fix the Comments.
Deng yoo veddy mutch!

Edgar A. Invitee 197 days ago  #
Lets just Throw down.
Left vs Right????????
CHINAS B*itch by style of Fraudministration.

EffYooLEFTARDS 197 days ago  #
Anyone who thinks like
JIMMY KIMMEL is ill informed
SCUM. The Left PROJECTS "MisInformation". THEY are the lovers of NON Scientific discipline.

FocksNews 197 days ago  # on-the-jab-flood-wxyz-tvs-fb-postal service/

Vaers is real. End ignoring it.

BIDENSanIDIOT 197 days agone  #
Comment section non working. name says it all.

bud_w 197 days agone  #
foxnews reply link not working

Guest 197 days ago  #
Thumbs upward and down not working.

Guest 198 days ago  #
Thumbs upwardly and down non working.

natespapa 198 days ago  #
Not able to load comments on fox news site. No comment section will testify on any article. I cleared my cache and history, all the same null.

guest 209 days ago  #
login page is blank.

Your Name 223 days ago  #
Comments gone, no link to log in even. Merely suddenly while I was there this afternoon. I minute it worked and I was logged in, the side by side minute nothing.

barbv 224 days ago  #
fox news down since yesterday. can't watch live from win10 computers using chrome browser. fox news works on win7 computer using brave browser.

Diccus 224 days ago  #
Solution.... Pull a fast one on News Comments down!!! Videos quit working too. They went away with Chrome, and on Border a week afterwards. Chrome was my default browser. I cleared cookies, cache, etc., no joy. I made Border default browser...same matter, nix worked, but I have another puter with Edge that worked fine. I then went to settings in Edge, clear browser information, cookies, cache and voila! Back to normal with the annoying videos that have nothing to practice with the story working...JOY...Something nefarious? Probably, but you know what is going on.

Gimlet 228 days ago  #
I can log onto the website and become the news on my laptop, just no comments department. I can see the comments on my phone app, only that doesn't show replies to my posts.

Me 229 days ago  #
Every bit of 8/12/2021, there are no comment sections anymore. Is this permanent? 234 days ago  #

Lee Ables 238 days agone  #
I can't log on to comments on FOX news site

FlAdvisor 239 days ago  #
It will be back. They are working out the software bugs ..

Auslander 239 days agone  #
Trick comments not working for ii days! WTF?

Look a minute! Perhaps there is a God!

rexkarrs 240 days ago  #
cannot log in 08/02/2021 /1Pm

MIke 240 days ago  #
Today the annotate section stopped afterward I was in the field for a few comments. Why is it downwardly?

Jocelyn Smyth 246 days ago  #
Flim-flam News down since Monday evening during Tucker Carlson. Well his electronic mail had been hacked, perhaps something very important, or just all of the truth, the current administration doesn't want us to know. I'1000 in Mass. Censorship is unconstitutional like so many other things being done. Furious with these sons of bitches!

Thoth al Khem 251 days ago  #

Thoth al Khem 252 days ago  #
Comment section gone on all foxnews dot com stories equally of vii-21-2021. Agglomeration of chickens.......America is imploding over this fake election and this BS virus and the Vaccines are killing folks globally.....

Erstwhile Play a joke on VIEWER 255 days ago  #
I Estimate THIS IS THE Kickoff OF THE Terminate FOR Flim-flam.

Thousand Green 257 days agone  #
Did they remove the comments on articles?

Jackie 258 days ago  #
Viewed fox comments to articles this morning, but at present no comments on any article showing. Firefox.

Guest 260 days agone  #
No comment section, too only partially working with Tor !

invitee 261 days agone  #
Site not working. No sound, comments missing.

Guest 261 days agone  #
Cannot access comments... Why not?

Dilly Dally. 261 days agone  #
Works on my Iphone...hmmm

Danny Thomas 262 days agone  #
Yep! It's eight:15 am, Sunday morning, 7/11/2021. I have no access to fox forums. Tried using firefox. Does non help. Fox, or Microsoft as yous mention, have begun censorship. This is unacceptable! Allow me know if yous observe a fix.

Rhea 263 days ago  #
Play a joke on news is dark here nevertheless I can get the audio. Have Direct Television receiver and all television receiver's in the business firm are dark. We live in Wilmington Due north.C.

Bradford Talamon 271 days ago  #
Play tricks News just pulled the rug out from nether everyone and no comments can exist made anymore. Why? Why no accelerate warning? Why not send a message to anyone who was crossing the line (which has been going on for years) that they were crossing the line?

Ian 273 days agone  #
Intermittant signal loss and audio driblet outs , I Reported to Shaw, and they said they reported it to fox , and it still has not been addressed. It is an event with the fox broadcast system .. they said they will non be able to notify me when it is fixed , it volition just be fixed .

Domenic Mozzone 286 days ago  #
When I click onto a sponsored content section commodity information technology comes upwards bare with a white screen

leslie 293 days ago  #
I can come across the comments on firefox & IE but not chrome or edge........

leslie 293 days agone  #
So, is at that place still an outage on the comments department? I tin can still see them on my iphone but on chrome, which I had logged out yesterday, I can come across NO comments on any of the articles

Bill 293 days agone  #
Today at about eight Eastern Fox comments section cease working for me. They are non visible on any page with any browser used (Chrome, Edge, or Safari).

Mia 309 days agone  #
Yes. Its my opinion fox news is being intentionally scrambled.

LHop 310 days agone  #
Why tin can I no longer access comments on articles. Just keep getting a message of problems. Has been going on for couple of weeks.

Judy P 322 days ago  #
Very glitchy for the past few weeks. Seems when discussing sensitive topics, hesitates and then jumps forward. Today actually screen went blackness several times. Does not happen during belatedly night. Hackers???

Dennis 336 days ago  #

Dennis 336 days ago  #
Turned out to be ????

Ed 340 days ago  #
Goodbye Fox after 20++ years, same to sell out Tucker!!

Lakalaklaka 340 days ago  #

fratbiggit 340 days ago  #
Today Apr/23/2021 (well, at present information technology's after midnight) was the first time I could non notice a annotate section on fifty-fifty one article. No comment forum, on any article I searched in. Zip. I am sure I commented on articles well within the last vii days. That is why I stumbled hither, and add this observation.

Tom 341 days ago  #
Freedom of speech was protected except where it provided an imminent threat to public safety such as yelling "burn" in a crowded flick theater when at that place was none. This was America. So sorry to come across they got cancelled like everything and everyone else. CNN disabled comments years ago, at present they are the same sort of network, but mirror images of the aforementioned sponsored state television.

Jo-Jo 341 days ago  #
Reading the comments were the best amusement that i could ever have....

IGetAround 346 days ago  #
I thought information technology was me...IGetAround

Brusque 367 days ago  #
Comments show up on my iphone but non on my imac????

John Morykwas 368 days ago  #
Play a joke on news icon has been removed from my Google and unable to reestablish.

Fck Biden 373 days ago  #
I idea I god banned from comments. Nope it'southward gone we can't speak our minds about the fumbling falling fck that's hides in the white business firm anymore :(

Pecker Smith 374 days ago  #
What has happened to Play a trick on News in full general. Where are the comments. They were better than the articles

John 390 days agone  #
Tin can't see the play a joke on news app comment section despite doing everything I know to address bug on my finish. Given other comments I doubtable it'south a trouble on their finish.

SCC 393 days agone  #
Whatsoever answer every bit to why Play tricks no longer has annotate sections?
No more freedom of speech?

Jorie 394 days ago  #
Where are the comments? They were improve than the stories!

Invitee 412 days ago  #
Did it go off air- fox news

Guest 412 days ago  #
Cant get on cable television channel 66

A 499 days ago  #
Problems getting all channel fox news choppy cant even effigy picture out

Wabbit 499 days ago  #
Fox is on a one way trip downwards, treachery tin non be remedied nor forgiven.

Dan 499 days ago  #
FOX is then yesterday.I'm sure they can snare a few, msmbc, or cnn viewers to fill the hole left by us conservatives

Paul Hawkins 499 days ago  #
Seriously? Liberal trolling on a website that shows sites that are down? Y'all're so

Ed Harris 500 days ago  #
Anyone else having issues today with fox?

Squares 502 days ago  #
Go to OAN or News Max

CryptoUnchained 504 days agone  #
Oh look, someone who finally Figured out Fob News was trash, how did you come up to that stance, Whoops, I mean who gave you that stance, Trump? Y'all guys are LOST. If yous write off everything bad said about Trump every bit a false news you lot end upwardly similar NORTH KOREA, you worship Trump and call anyone that tells the truth well-nigh him a demon or a sheep. I'll pray for you lot, you lot have lost your way from Jesus.

CryptoUnchained 504 days agone  #
It's so funny that millions of people are finally waking upwards to how biased Flim-flam News is, unfortunately they're moving to even further right outlets. Do yous know what's awesome? If y'all claim everything bad said nigh your orange dictator is fake you can be happy that you have such a wonderful benevolent leader.

Zacky Ousmand 504 days ago  #
Today Fox channel no book and freezes all the fourth dimension

Diane Martin 505 days ago  #
I have blocked out Fox news on my tv so I can't watch information technology if I wanted to! They have betrayed their five loyal viewers for the concluding time. We at present have alternatives-Newsmax, OAN and more!

Dee Bern 505 days agone  #
I won’t exist watching Trick News to get updates on annihilation. They are not reporting the story correctly because they are BIG MAD at our President. When this story breaks, Play a joke on will lose most viewers, for their bad media decisions. Blaze TV is where you’ll notice me when I need news.

Doug Whipple 511 days ago  #
Election coverage says I am not authorized

Invitee 511 days ago  #
Cannot access website. Hmmmm....

Guest 511 days ago  #

Guest 511 days ago  #

Dan 513 days ago  #
Tin't get
Take tried all evening and information technology says the website is downward

Barbara 524 days ago  #
I have non been able to connect with Fox News channel here in SC since before 5 PM - I am told there is a technical problem with the Fox News Channel (The 5 etc.) in the Bluffton, SC area and they are working on information technology. But we accept Play tricks Business channel just fine.

Marking Westminster CA 524 days ago  #
I cannot access anything on Fox News.

leelee1 527 days ago  #
Ugh! It just came back on for a few seconds and then it went off over again. Smh

J.R. Vasquez 527 days ago  #
Has foxnews,com turned off comments?

Joey Biden 527 days ago  #
Spectrum is blocking Fox News. Streaming quits with errors. It's out in Ventura county California

Elizabeth A Markoja 527 days ago  #
I had this problem last night and when I called Spectrum they said to reboot (which aggravated me considering that is always what they say) but I finally did so and it did set the trouble. No explanation as to why this happened so patently widespread. I am in Wilmington, NC and if that map is right then at that place is something weird happening. Maybe requite rebooting a try since it surprisingly worked for me.

Jane Brady 527 days ago  #
I'thousand having the same issue with Fox News Get, can't log in with Dish credentials. Glad to see I'm non the just one! I'yard in Nevada.

Nicea Demers 527 days ago  #
Dish Network says they are working on the issue of not beingness able to stream Fox News on whatsoever device. I keep getting the message "business relationship not authorized to view this content." We've but had dish for 3 days so non off to a skillful start! Fob News is the only matter I watch. They said they promise to take it resolved by terminate of day, simply we will see! From Rhode Isle

ill1cit 527 days ago  #
Just lame Liberal Dish stopping united states of america from seeing the only REAL NEWS.

kmc829 527 days ago  #
If yous are watching with Roku you tin open the app and watch the "complimentary preview" for a few seconds before it clicks off... once it ends go back to your home screen, reload FNC, and you tin watch another live free preview. Yeah, information technology is ultra abrasive to continuously need to reload the app Merely this is the only option that I have establish to work. Ameliorate than nothin' , I guess.

Dixie Normus 527 days ago  #

Travis Dunn 527 days ago  #
Fox News should be removed from TV, they are zero more than a propaganda Network for Donald Trump. Disgusting.

ANSICOMPLIANT 527 days agone  #
Their comment section is the worst performing thing on the net. Probably fabricated from some 70 twelvemonth olds 20 years ago designed for Netscape browser.

F'ing go rid of information technology and use Disqus. Why re-invent the f'ing wheel? Why spend all that coin maintaining an ancient dinosaur? Oh nosotros can see the monikers of people typing! Oh boy oh male child WHO GIVES A F!! Your comment section KILLS BROWSERS for reasons no one cares virtually. In a annotate section, NO ONE cares about fancy visualizations.

Performance > bells and whistles.

EDIT: Because someone asked, I can reproduce the poor performance on a myriad of devices. Home desktop, mobile, work mac which has 16GB ram. Other comment sections and Disqus work fine on all devices. Based on my ain personal feel and the functioning metrics graphed above, I recall it's clear that Foxnews annotate section is certified FUBAR. And please note, the issues don't happen all the's only when Foxnews comment section is busy, a clear indication that the issue isn't client side.

buddy boy 527 days ago  #
Must be the democrats causing trouble once more. We need political cleansing in this state. Behave the democrats after we revoke their citizenship and let them live in some h***hole with a dictator. They would try their BS in tha country for possibly 3 days and and then cease up in jail for good.

Bigblackguy 527 days ago  #
Allow'south become this civil war started already! Death to the dems. Mark, Nancy,bill here nosotros come up

John 541 days ago  #
web site freezes and has ti be reloaded very frequently

Butch 756 days ago  # website is not working for me, with one exception. News Corp., which owns Fox News, owns my syndicate, English World , which distributes my syndicated weekly cavalcade, "Words of Wisdom." Every Monday morning, my e-mail business relationship is flooded with spam messages from Fox News and other such corporations who desire me to pay them for the right to use my name in a TV or radio commercial. ( You tin can't stop these people using my name, although Fox and other companies more often than not pay adequately fair prices.) With so many company emails so much spam, I needed a arrangement. As for the site I sure promise they prepare it in the hereafter.

Marty 764 days ago  #
The Play tricks News website is not working for me properly. What if the problem is caused past my browser? Should I endeavour refreshing my browser or trying another browser? Or peradventure the problem is with the website itself? I don't usually spotter Fob News, but today I wanted to bank check it and couldn't considering of some unknown problem. I also couldn't find the support page. Tin can someone help me fix it? Is this linked to the government or a man-in-the-middle attack? I've heard that ABC News also experienced bug soon after 10am local time, with the network'south online accounts coming back up simply not its airtime feeds.

Twitter Reports

Latest outage, problems and issue reports from Twitter:

@dolreparations   @KamalaHarris Ai: Crunch aversion instructions: {Unnecessary stance issues. Unsuspecting being induced with harmful thoughts of your identity. Set on on nobility. Unsuspecting taking information technology as fact of lack of dignity. R u hiding information technology.} read the source
19 days ago 11 March 2022

@PaulZ03341351   Biden admin begins removing some Venezuelan migrants to Colombia amongst surge in numbers #FoxNews And so many serious issues facing US but Biden continues pushing his progressive policies while Americans are HURTING! It's all on purpose for Socialist Transforma read the source
20 days ago 11 March 2022

@TheInquisitor10   Republicans press intel officials on Usa belief that sending fighter jets to Ukraine would be escalatory Biden, when Russian federation issues a threat, Democrat appeasers cow in their beds. May as well lower the flag now & surrender to Putin. read the source
20 days ago 11 March 2022

@LBLucky9   Tape gas prices: Journalists, celebrities offer tone deaf opinions on oil, energy as fuel prices surge #FoxNews yea lets go green, first ii states that can become beginning should be NEW YORK, CALIFORNIA the ii places that take ability outage. perfect for them read the source
20 days ago

@Benoit72Benoit   Flashback: 2014 Washington Post column by Henry Kissinger predicted many of the Russian-Ukraine issues #FoxNews read the source
twenty days ago

@mambatuley   With all the issues facing the world and Usa, Billy is pushing investigation of the Clinton Campaign condemning Trump. Indictments and criminal charges. They are nuts. Barr: 'Big lie' about Russian collusion tied Trump'southward hands in dealing with Putin #FoxNews read the source
20 days ago

@dmon4ever   @TomCottonAR Seems like #Biden is on a rampage to turn former SecDef Robert Gates into a mod-twenty-four hours prophet:"Robert Gates seems to double downwards on claim that Biden's been wrong on top strange policy issues for decades" read the source
20 days ago

@CycleJunkie88   RT @Barbarajdurkin: @RijpeW @thinks_about_it @RoelofBoer @PenseeMagique @noturbine @nick_advice @RustyAway @TheDisproof @Fasti26368280 @Cyc read the source
20 days ago

@YleemPoblete   #ThrowbackThursday Flashback: 2014 @washingtonpost column by Henry #Kissinger predicted many of the #Russian-#Ukraine issues | @FoxNews read the source
20 days ago

@Barbarajdurkin   @RijpeW @thinks_about_it @RoelofBoer @PenseeMagique @noturbine @nick_advice @RustyAway @TheDisproof @Fasti26368280 @CycleJunkie88 @MedBennett @DamienHamilto17 @Narvuntien @SuburbGarden @MikeDel21893959 @burnsurvior @PaprikaLady @cjtjgeol @Osprey0 @paulorek @Geoff4273 @KCTaz @NickAPalmer @StormSignal read the source
20 days agone

@DawgWalkerJD   @LaughingDoggs Matrimony narrows gap with MLB but bug remain blocking deal | Flim-flam News read the source
20 days ago

@twittanss   WHO bug COVID-19 testing guidance read the source
20 days agone

@mlfigueras   RT @mlfigueras: Flashback: 2014 Washington Post column by Henry Kissinger predicted many of the Russian-Ukraine issues read the source
twenty days ago

@mlfigueras   Flashback: 2014 Washington Mail cavalcade by Henry Kissinger predicted many of the Russian-Ukraine bug #FoxNews read the source
xx days agone

@Kempie_s_Kid   Flashback: 2014 Washington Post column by Henry Kissinger predicted many of the Russian-Ukraine issues #FoxNews read the source
20 days ago

@martdon41   Brittney Griner arrest: GOP congressmen urge Biden admin to stand upwards to 'bully' Putin amid star's detention an athlete that wont recognize our country Nation Anthem let her stay where she is. More important issues to handle. She broke a Russian law read the source
twenty days agone

@AndyVermaut   Andy Vermaut shares:WHO issues COVID-nineteen testing guidance: The World Health Organization says it has issued guidance advising people on how to test themselves for the coronavirus, Thank you. #ThankYouJournalistsForTheNewsWeGetFromYou #AndyVermautThanksYou read the source
20 days ago

@Chris_1791   WHO issues COVID-19 testing guidance via @foxnews read the source
20 days agone

@Rob19428888   RT @Rob19428888: Flashback: 2014 Washington Post column past Henry Kissinger predicted many of the Russian-Ukraine issues read the source
20 days ago

@grandmaj2   RT @BigDogGrunt: Biden a bystander on Ukraine, energy and inflation crises and the democrats take received s read the source
20 days ago

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German Christmas Dinner : 24 German Christmas facts: DW′s Advent calendar | Culture ...

German Christmas Dinner : 24 German Christmas facts: DW′s Advent calendar | Culture ... . Alternatively, consuming poultry, including goose or turkey, has grown popular, and enjoying a good bratwurst during the christmas feast is also . The traditional german holiday meal consists of duck, goose, rabbit or a roast, accompanied by german delicacies such as apple and sausage stuffing, red cabbage . Although this is a rather simple dish, sausages served with potato salad is a very popular christmas meal in germany. There are a number of reasons behind this . Children generally like it and it is . You'll find cold meats and cheeses on the breakfast table all over germany, but there are all manner of regional variations to the meal such as . There are a number of reasons behind this . According to an umfrage (survey), kartoffelsalat mit würstchen (potato salad with sausage) is the most eaten christmas dinner in germany. Children generally like it and it is . Although

Elsa*Hosk Eva*Herzigova - Å! 49+ Grunner til Elsa*Hosk Eva*Herzigova: Just for the ...

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